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Cinchy’s Data Collaboration Command Centre for COVID-19 Highlighted in The Logic

Updated: Jan 5, 2021

Cinchy's data fabric is a leading data fabric vendor due to data network

In March as COVID-19 began to spread across the country, Taiwan and South Korea adopted a strategy that rested heavily on testing, contact tracing and speed of action. By relying on both a physical and digital response that blended multiple data sources including credit card records to understand purchase patterns, GPS data and security camera footage, the country was able to rapidly alert people who may have come into contact with people who had tested positive. This approach allowed the government to proactively get ahead of the curve, but it didn’t come without its own concerns.

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In North America, we have seen several independent solutions including those from Apple and Google whose partnership was met with acclaim but has also drawn fundamental privacy questions from users around putting their trust behind some of the promises being made. This only compounds the fact that many users already struggled with this very issue before the pandemic.

Last week, we spoke with The Logic about the necessity of a bridging technology that would give public health agencies and hospitals a central platform for any information collected including contact tracing data, legacy data, or desktop and mobile app data.

By pulling data into a central Command Centre (see infographic below) that respects data usability and privacy, public health authorities could rapidly build real-time solutions that could alert them to critical priorities such as surges in a particular area, inventory of PPE and supplies, or for vaccine modelling.

Data collaboration enables command centre for healthcare system and multiple networked solutions.

Data matters now in this pandemic more than ever. We must tie all of our efforts together in a way that enables both a rapid response to COVID-19 and future outbreaks. It’s essential that we architect a solution that combines the collective efforts of the technology community and the public sector without compromising on data privacy and protection.

At Cinchy, we are innovating to help resolve our current and future healthcare challenges. To learn more about our Data Collaboration Command Centre, click here.

Join us every Thursday for our Data Fabric learning series as we discuss Data Fabric concepts, roadmaps, best practices, and demos, alongside special guests.
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